On a happier note, today, my lovely friend Chris made me grin from ear to ear...he only went and booked us tickets to see the gorgeous David Tennant and fantastic Catherine Tate in Much Ado About Nothing at the Wyndham Theatre in May.
Like totally OMG!
<fan girl squeeeeeee>
Not the first time I'll have seen DT in theatre, as I went to Hamlet in Stratford (I found my old blog about it and will post it below). Also I have been blessed with a meeting of both DT and Catherine (forever in the debt of Mr Jupitus!) at Buzzcocks in 2009. Neither of these facts take away from just how much I am looking forward to this...it's going to be a looooooooong four months for all who know me LOL!
So...my review of DT and the glorious Patrick Stewart from 2.5 years ago is below...will not doubt do another after MAAN...
by on 10-09-08 at 19:14 (307 Views)
Yesterday was David Tennant day - it was a very special day.
I will admit that although filled with excitement about actually seeing DT in the flesh...amplified by the fact that Patrick Stewart was also going to share the stage...and yet dampened slightly that it had to be a 3.5 hour Shakespeare play I had to sit through to part-take in this pleasure.
Maybe my memories of Shakespeare have been tainted by having to sit through the RSC do MacBeth in my teenage years - I swear it lasted days!
Anyhoo, Hamlet, I am very pleased to say, impressed me. Not only the play itself, but this version was most excellently directed and the vision seen by the Director was a marvel and a joy.
Modernised somewhat with the dress, and (I think) some of the lines here and there, it made for a most mesmerising evening at the theatre...although I will be honest and admit that just how much of that was down to the lead cast members I will never be able to say.
Only one of the cast wasn't to my liking, however towards the end of the play he improved so whether it was character development or not I am unsure.
The lighting and set was fabulous - basic yet stunning.
Patrick Stewart commanded respect on stage. He completely dominated the first third of the play, and until Hamlet began his "decent into madness" I think that this was the intention of the characters/play.
A man with a rather impressive voice on film/tv...likened by myself to melted chocolate only you can't touch it. Well if this is true, hearing him speak in a theatre is like having the melted chocolate in front of you and being invited to dip your finger in.
His years of experience showed and truly he is a fabulous actor - I feel honoured to have seen him perform.
And now down to the main business of the day...Mr David Tennant himself. The reason for me wanting to go. The object of my sad obsession. The one. The only. The Doctor. My Doctor.
Something like a 20 minute wait for him to head onto stage...probably wasn't...was probably only 5 minutes...felt like an hour...not that I was impatient or anything
He played the nervous grief-stricken Hamlet in an awkward manner, by the time he saw his Father's ghost his character changes and DT was brought into his own. The "decent into madness" was just pure entertainment and he was just brilliant.
*gushing alert*
Oh my...the man is even more gorgeous in the flesh. Was very hard to tear my eyes off him...especially one point where he was crouched down in front of me, low riding jeans riding low, Calvin Kleins showing and slight bit of lower back...*sigh*...no idea what went on in that scene sadly...thankfully it didn't seem too important
His teasing of undoing his tie when in a tux was just yummy...as was the redressing of wearing jeans, white vest and buttoning up a tight fitting blue shirt (how he would look getting redressed in my bedroom...in MY mind...)...and never has a man been so built to be dressed in the white fencing top thing *drool*.
His stretching/reaching upwards whilst in the low riders/tee combo provided a glimpse of lower stomach/hip, which I have decided is the new place I want to lick on him.
Sadly the man has freaky monkey toes too, just like Metz...so the checklist increases...I am coming to the conclusion that the whole DT obsession is actually Metz's fault and I am just projecting the image of my intelligent sexy geeky husband on a "celeb" of similar ilk...I hope the meester is kinda flattered
However, despite all the drooling and sighing and wibbling, his performance was very entertaining, manic at times, wonderful.
Oh and he said c*nt.Never. Been. Sexier.
As for the FA and Scottland biking adventure...well, I'll post that up later..
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