First show is over...the 2010 show cherry was taken by the marvellous gents of The Rupert Pupkin Collective at the Debating Hall at The Gilded Balloon Teviot.
Pic from
The Rupert Pupkin Collective are Steve Steen, Stephen Frost, Andy Smart, Ian Coppingger and Dave unsurprisingly to me, I utterly loved it.
The show begins much as a show of The Comedy Store Players do - it's also an impro show, and given that Andy is a CSP, and the rest of the gents are regular guests, well...
For me, once they'd moved away from what I would see as the "regular" CSP games, I nearly wet myself. HUGE belly laughs. Turning the life of a chap called Derek from Dunfermline, who was a retired engineer with a Dire Straits fixation, and met his wife Kate in The Shetlands...this was pure comedy gold!
The dubbed Sherlock Holmes adventure was brilliant...but complete highlight for me had to be during Film & Theatre styles game, with the suggestion of Chinese Acrobatic Theatre, Ian did some outstanding acrobatic moves including the very daring jumping off a chair! Made all the funnier because Ian makes Stevie Steen look tall!
Popped back to the apartment (yay I found it on my own) to change footwear, then I'm off in search of food before Richard Herring tonight.
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