Although only my fourth EdFest, every single one has one thing in common...and that's seeing Richard Herring on the Saturday night. No other night will do. Has to be the Saturday.
Photo from
Oh my, tonight's show was possibly the BEST Richard Herring show I've even one where he utters the words "fisting Wee Jimmy Krankie".
This show is a revised version of his 2001 show, with implications that he's improved and added to it, however I can only take his word for it as I've never seen the original outing.
A question posed is "Is RH the second coming of Christ?"
Richard explores many many avenues in both his and Jebus' lives...he also points out some very obvious problems in the bible, such as the fact that the commandments appear to have been made up on the spot rather than thought through before final release.
As one expects from Herring, he is very close to the fact, sometimes he is so far over the line that the line is a mere speck in the distance...and I LOVE THAT! That he is STILL so un-pc...not in a Bernard Manning/Chuckie Brown "stuck in the 70s" way...but in a "seriously Richard, just save me that seat in Hell next to you" way.
By far and away the most impressive section is on the New Testament...I shan't reveal stuff as it's not the done thing...but blimey, how he remembered the stuff he did, well...
So definitely one to recommend, even if you aren't up in Edinburgh, I think he is probably touring with it afterwards...and even if he isn't everyone should watch him live at least once in their life. Check out his website for more information and also he has a very good blog to follow.
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