Friday 10 September 2010

And so I find myself at Fat Club

Long story short to bring you up to speed:

Basically for various reasons including pregnancy, stopping smoking and general laziness from having the mindset that I'd "done my dues to sport" I find myself overweight with high blood pressure and am undergoing tests to find out why (the HBP).  One of the things my Doctor wanted is for me to join Fat I started this week.

Now, although somewhere between a 14 and an 18 (shop dependant) I am a LOT heavier than I actually look...even when I was a size 10 I still weighed in at 10 1/2 you may get the idea.

Seven weeks ago I started swimming regularly (3-5 times a weeks) and about 3 weeks ago started back at the gym (so far about 3 times a week).  In this time I have lost half a stone.

So now you are up to speed...let me tell you about Fat Club...

As I sat in the waiting room I looked around and feared for my safety...I was (as predicted) the slimmest person at Fat Club...not necessarily the lightest, be definitely the slimmest.  I could see them looking at me wondering why I was there.  One woman, let's call her Mooseknuckle, looked like she might eat me if she could actually move with any speed.

We were led into a small room, where three men and eight woman of varying ages and sizes were to be lectured by a very slim Greek dietitian (lets call her Nana although her real name is just fabulous!).  It starts off easy enough with chatting in small groups introducing yourselves, before doing so to the whole group.  This proved far too much for one of the chaps (ironically the largest person at the group) who waddled out of the room, never to return!

Two hours did pass quite quickly, sadly with me learning nothing I didn't already know (my size now betraying the many many years of sport, healthy eating and training).  Nana seemed a little confused that I knew the right answers for things...things she was about to advise on in the same way.

My favourite part of the session had to be when we were discussing "mini goals and rewards".  Nana's suggestion was going to the cinema. 

"A-ha!" Pipes up Jeremy (as in Kyle, as in could sooooo be on that show), "You know what going to the cinema means!"

<seeing a film? I think>

"POPCORN!" give Jeremy as his answer.

I mention, admittedly slightly sarcastically, that "You don't actually have to buy popcorn when you go to the cinema" only to be greeted with a very confused look from Jeremy and about half of the group. 

Apparently NOT buying crappy junk food hadn't even entered the minds of the younger members of the set...I cried a little inside...I like to think Nana was also crying on the inside too.

So anyway, the session meant I met a lovely bunch of older ladies who reminded me of my Mum, a very scary woman wearing FAR too much makeup (made Jordan's face look subtle) and a few others that are as yet not really impression worthy.  Although I learnt nothing new, I do have homework which includes doing the dreaded food diary (I ate a polo this morning, it's been noted).  My goals I set this week have already been met, now to sustain them.

Gutted that work is preventing me from heading to the gym tonight, but think I might get up and go tomorrow before we do the usual Saturday swim.

Shall no doubt bitch some more about Fat Club over the next six weeks...still, think I have my overall reward idea sorted...just need to check if the Meester minds as it'll require me being away overnight to see a show (nothing seedy!).

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